Black Friday Sale!
We're going to have One Day Specials in addition to the 20% OFF basic sale ALL WEEKEND.
FRIDAY: Build Your Own Kit BONUS SALE!
Pick your pattern from our loose patterns, books and magazines and your appropriate yarn (enough to complete the pattern) and get an additional 15% OFF on the entire kit contents - for a total of 35% off.
But there's more: you get a FREE kit bag to hold your kit.
And there's even more: you can add the appropriate needles and required notions to your kit and get the same discount on those as well!
And for newsletter subscribers only, an otherwiseunadvertised bonus - if you buy any of our regular pricedkits in stock, you get the same 35% total discount on those, and you can add the needles and notions at the same discount to those kits as well!
 | Small Business Saturday Sale!! |
Buy 10 or more skeins of ANY ONE SPECIFIC YARN (you can mix colors but not yarns) and get an EXTRA 10% OFF on that yarn; BUY 20 or more skeins of ANY ONE SPECIFIC YARN, get15% EXTRA OFF on any and ALL yarn that you bought at least 10 skeins of. This is definitely the time to stock up on sweater quantities of your favorite yarns. And we have so many fantastic yarns to choose from, in all weights.
Even though it's not SPIN & STITCH SUNDAY, we're having a special FIBER SALE for our SPINNERS!
20% BONUS DISCOUNT on ALL in-stock fiberincluding our NEW Malabrigo Nube (that we've been waiting on since June) and our Limited Edition Qiviut Cloud!
 | And then, in early December..... |

Participants in last springs Beaded Stitch Marker and Beaded Row Counter Braceletworkshops had so much fun that we're offering them again, just before the holidays, in time for last  minute holiday gift giving. The Beaded Stitch Marker workshop will be held on Saturday, December 7th, at 4 pm - read all about it here; and the Row Counter Bracelet workshop will be on Sunday, December 8th, at 4pm. Click here for the details. We're still trying to squeeze in one or two more quick holiday gift workshops so keep watching for another newsletter.
 | Miscellaneous Other Stuff |
Felted animal kits are back in stock - we have birds, and bears and bunnies and frogs and lots of cute needle felting kits that make great holiday gifts as kits, or can be made in just a few hours to use for ornaments or gift package trim! We are already sold back out of sheep, but if anyone is interested in sheep kits and can let us know by Dec 6, we should probably be able to get more in before Christmas.
We are going to be putting Knitting 101, Crochet 101 and 102 and Hand Spinning 101 on the schedule for January. Let us know if there are any other classes you're seriously interested in.
Gift sets of Interchangeable needles from Hiya Hiya, Chiaogoo and Knitter's Pride are in-stock. The new Knitter's Pride Nova Cubics are due in a few weeks.
We've gotten lots of fantastic new yarns in like Euro Yarns Paqa Pura and Sami, wonderful silks and silk blends from several companies, and restocks of some of our standards, like Universal Deluxe Worsted Superwash, Berroco Vintage, Berroco Blackstone Tweed, and Cascade 128SW Paints. Oh, and did I mention that we've finally gotten retstock of Malabrigo Rasta and Malabrigo Sock.
We've got unbelievably delicious color-coordinated yarns from Shibui (you can mix and match these to make your own blends - we've got Shibui Blend reference material to help you put the different fibers together - my favorites are Silk Cloud and Cima, but I love the Baby Alpaca as well),
For quick cowls, scarves and hats, check out Filatura di Crosca Marte; for supersoft baby gifts, we've got James Brett Flutterby and Cascade Pluscious.
And another new yarn, well, new to us, and newly re-imported to the US after a several year absence, Naturwolle. This yarn is a handspun bulky with an interesting story. Instead of the fiber being spun and then dyed, with this yarn, the fiber is dyed in different colors, then the fiber is mixed into large batches by colorway, and then that entire batch of that colorway is turned over to one single hand-spinner who then spins the entire batch. Different colorways are spun by different spinners so they will have slightly different characteristics. We've got about half of our colors in stock, with about 9 more currently being spun for us in Germany and due in about 2 weeks.
Don't forget to let your gift-giving family and friends know that we do have Gift Certificates available. |
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