Thursday, March 27, 2014

Classic Elite Yarns on Sale!

Housekeeping news first - apparently our Merchant Services provider shipped our new CC pinpad on March 1st, and it has gotten lost in transit. Hopefully, they will reship a replacement this week, while they look for the missing one.

Classic Elite Yarns Sale!
The very generous folks at Classic Elite Yarns have sent us another special mixed trunk show, in support of some discontinued pattern books, featuring Firefly, Seedling (solids and paints), Magnolia and Liberty Wool.
To celebrate, we're having a special Classic Elite Sale!
The trunk show supports 6 books - we still have copies of all 6 books in stock - 2 Firefly books, 2 Seedling books, a Magnolia book, and a Liberty Wool Kids book. The books are located on the gondola in front of the register, along with 3 of the featured yarns.
If you buy any of these 6 titles, and the yarn for any pattern in that book, your book and yarn are on sale for 
35% OFF. 
AND, you are eligible for 2 BONUS SALES.
Bonus Sale 1: You can buy ANY other Classic Elite Yarn  
25% OFF
Bonus Sale 2:  
AND you can buy anything else in the shop for
10% OFF.
If you buy one of the 6 books, without the specified yarn, the book is on sale for
25% OFF  
(no Bonus Sale);
if you buy any Firefly, Seedling, Magnolia or Liberty Wool (including Light or Prints), without the corresponding sale book, your yarn  
is on sale for
25% OFF  
(no Bonus Sale).

Muench Verikeri and Cascade 220 Quattro on sale through this weekend
Cascade 220 Quattro (not regular Cascade, but only the Quattro on the CEY sale gondola) and Muench Verikeri. Verikeri are on sale through this weekend for 35% off.
The Muench model garments will be shipped out after this weekend.

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