These 2 classes are scheduled for this weekend and are a few folks short: The first, WEAVING STICKS, is great for kids - boys and girls - no previous fiber or crafting experience necessary: it's a one session workshop.
The Beekeeper Quilt workshop is also this weekend and it's one of my favorite classes: hexipuffs are so much fun. They are like knitted yoyos, but about a hundred times cuter. And one of the great things is that once you learn how to make them, you can keep a set of needles and odds and ends leftover yarns tucked in your purse and whip up a hexipuff or ten anytime. Quick portable knitting, instant satisfaction every time you finish a puff.... What more could you want?
Weaving Sticks : the flyer has the wrong dates; this workshop is Saturday Nov 8.
And don't forget, we also have our Crochet Along Afghan: this is an ongoing workshop that will meet several times a month, at the request of some of the current participants. Feel free to join in any time; there are Tuesday sessions and Saturday sessions. Unlike our regular classes, you don't have to come every time. Sharon is the instructor and she can probably bring you up to speed as far as what you you need, so give her a call. She is in the shop most weekday afternoons, and closes most Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Artfelt Felted scarf
: This class has been rescheduled for Saturday, November 15th and has been reworked into a one session class. This is another class that you don't have to have any fiber experience for, and is super fun because EVERY scarf you create is a One of a Kind. You almost can't make 2 the same.
Other upcoming classes include:
And one more class: we are re-offering Sharon's Crocheted Christmas Stockings starting on Monday, December 1 and meeting again on the 8th and 15th: the attached flyer is from the previous session and has the wrong dates.
We may have a few more classes, or workshops scheduled, but we will not have another session of Intro Knitting before the end of the year. Private lessons are available for Knitting or Crochet.
2014 Wounded Warrior Shawl Project
If you are still working on shawls, feel free to drop them off at the shop, there will be a need for more next year. If you didn't make one yet, you can still make one (or more) and donate it. We still have some vendor donated yarns we can sign out to you.
To everyone who contributed this year, thank you thank you thank you.
 | Great Yarns for Holiday Gifts |
We've gotten in some new yarns and some restocks of old favorites: great colors of three of our great bulky/chunky yarns: Malabrigo Rasta, FDC Marte and Universal Classic Shades Frenzy. And full restocks of Universal Deluxe Worsted Superwash and Berroco Vintage!
And something new: Mini-Skeins and Mini-Skein packs: we've got these great coordinated mini-skein packs from Frabjous Fibers in their Mad Hatter Sport Weight Yarn, and a very limited amount of something similar from Mountain Colors in their Twizzle (DK), and from Knitted Wit, we have their Gumballs: 45 yard mini skeins of superwash merino fingering, in 40 colors, so you can mix and match and create your own color arrangements. These are great for this Sunday's Beekeeper's Quilt Workshop, if you don't want to use your leftovers from other projects.
And we have the cutest new project totes from Knerdshop - with sayings on them. This one should mean something to every knitter.....
And lots of great new magazines including the newest Jane Austen and Downtown Abbey patterns and KnitPurl and specialty Holiday magazines as well.
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