We have Stash Sale with new additions, a super clearance sale on sale merchandise to make room for incoming new merchandise, and ALL FIESTA YARN & PATTERNS ON SALE!
Sharon's Zoom Loom class on Saturday still has a few openings so sign up - class size is limited by loom availability.
Check out the list of upcoming classes and get started on your Wounded Warrior shawl.
And I've another request for to all of you for everyone to cast their votes on Tuesday night for Emil and Dariel on America's Got Talent!
We received some more donations for our Animal Rescue Stash sale, so decided to have another Stash Sale. Lots of books, new yarns and samples donated by a yarn shop in Atlanta that closed last year are included.
A Super Clearance on Clearance
75% OFF
We have recently received restocks of many of our warmer yarns but still have others coming is, so we need to make room.
Right how, Madeline Tosh is scheduled to come in around the end of September - if you want to special order anything to make sure you get exactly what you want, you have until the 15th of September to do so. We will honor this past year's prices on these yarns with no minimum number of skeins required.
All Fiesta yarns in the shop are 25% Off
All Fiesta Patterns are 40% off.
We have a loaner shop model shawl from Fiesta, and Sharon is doing a class so we have the model for that pattern. Come in, check them out and buy some yarn.
New Class this Weekend!
The CrochetAlong is an ongoing monthly event. If you missed the first meeting, that's ok. Call the shop or come by and talk to Sharon about it. She can help you get started. Unlike our regular classes, you don't have to come every time, and the schedule of when it meets can be adjusted to the needs of the participants.
The list below is all the classes we currently have scheduled. Click on the class name to pull up the flyer and get all the details.
ZoomLoom Infinity Scarf: starting Saturday August 30th (previous newsletter and attached flyer contain a typo in the date: this class will be held on Saturday afternoons.
Some of the other classes in the works for the next few months include a needle felted scarf class, a needle felted "critters" class, a triloom class, a class using weaving sticks, and then hopefully something in the late fall on Rigid Heddle looms...
 | The Wounded Warrior Shawl Project is Back! |
It's time to get started knitting and crocheting shawls, wraps and stoles for the local Semper Fi group. Like last year, they will give our contributions to female wounded warriors and to spouses and caregivers of male wounded vets to wear to the Semper Fi formal event in November.
Come into the shop and sign out some of the yarn donated by some of our suppliers and get started or use something you already have at home, or buy something from us (and get a partial yarn credit if you bring your receipt in when you turn in the shawl). You may use any pattern you choose - one you already own, or something from Ravelry or other online sources. We've got a tub full of great yarns donated by Cascade, Berroco and others.
Please save the ballbands from the yarn so that washing instructions can be passed on to the recipients.
Get ready to vote for Emil and Dariel Again!
All of us who know the boys are very excited that they've made it to the next level. The boys will be on this upcoming Tuesday nights' episode and need your vote - if you watched them last week, you know how great it is to actually have US born and raised musicians with this kind of talent.
I have met these boys and their family, seen them play live and would very much like to see them win. Anyone and everyone in the US can cast up to 30
tes, and I'm asking you, even if you wouldn't n
ormally watch this, to do so over the next few weeks and support these kids.
Here's some information about them if you missed it the last time:
Here's their first appearance on America's Got Talent:
Here's their YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheLiakhovetskiBros
And here's information on how to vote for them: http://www.nbc.com/americas-got-talent/vote/help
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